1:1 Coaching Program

I work with high-achievers, who want to bridge the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Driven people who would like to feel more confident and gain clarity on how to move forward in life. With those who are ready to call in their Power and ignite their inner fire to step into the life, they've always envisioned.

Change happens at the layer of identity, so that’s where we begin. And habits become sustainable when you break down larger goals into smaller, more manageable steps. This way we can create a clear path forward and build the momentum we need to make lasting change.

It’s time to put the same determination we show at work, into working on ourselves.


  • You’re experiencing high levels of stress and anxiety due to a demanding work environment.

  • You excel in every task at work, but your dating life could use some help.

  • You’ve been craving space in your life where you can drop into your softness and allow the feminine side of you to take the lead, with a balanced masculine energy to get shit done and take action.

  • You would like to step up your morning routines and start your day WINNING.

  • You are looking to experience energy healing AND coaching, all in one place.

  • You are in need of EXTREME accountability to create the changes you’ve been desiring.

I work combining Energy Therapies with Coaching tools to support you as you take powerful and immediate ACTION towards the full embodiment of the life you deserve. The mind is more powerful than we think and the brain is just a magical computer system that CAN be rewired. And I can teach you how.

When living up to your full potential, your confidence level rises, you improve your communication skills attracting better and healthier relationships (at work, romantic and with your family). And as you learn to feel safe in your body and trust ALL of you, you learn how to be the boss of your anxiety and lower your stress levels.

Imagine waking up in the morning and making time for yourself. Start the day by stepping into that powerful version of YOU, you’ve envisioned for so long. Imagine embodying your dream life. Powerful morning routines set you up for a powerful day. Weeks, Years, a Life. And this is just the beginning…

5 steps process to your Personal Freedom

We’ll bring structure and healthy empowered habits into your life. Let’s dig and discover your True Needs and set a clear action plan toward your goals. Gain ultimate confidence by improving your communication skills and an overall sense of peace, especially when facing challenges. We’ll find the tools that work FOR YOU when dealing with an anxious or neurodivergent mind so you obtain absolute control over your state, mindset and your Life.

Stop living your story, start living your Life!

Book your FREE call and start receiving the benefits of working together, TODAY.

Energy Clearing/Healing

Using different energy healing modalities, we work on a full energetic body cleanse, clearing energies and balancing our energetic centers. We begin with a blueprint of the current state, set a goal line and in the end, you’ll receive some tools to take home and continue taking care and protecting your energy.

This session combines Usui and Kundalini Reiki, crystals, tarot and oracle card reading. Reiki can release stress and anxiety, relieve pain, and assist with emotional clearing. 

Reiki is a light touch energy-based healing modality that reestablishes the energetic balance in the body. It is a Japanese technique for deep relaxation, setting our nervous system into parasympathetic mode, and awakening its natural ability to heal. Stop living your story, start living your Life!

You’ll leave the session feeling serene, empowered and grounded.